Wednesday, January 1, 2014

The Many Faces of Venus

What is the feminine aspect of consciousness or creation?

The Feminine principle is applicable to both men and women.  It has nothing to do with anatomical body parts or what we call male and female.  It is an aspect of the 3D reality (perhaps beyond this dimension) that defines energy into 2 forms.  In this case, we are talking about the labels of Feminine and Masculine.  In the quantum field, however, it is all just energy and does not view itself from the polarized lens.  So how we view this energetically can create greater separation, more polarity and in turn more locked in energy in our physical and subtle bodies.  So the idea of UnMasking the Feminine would be an open-hearted invitation to move beyond the locked down construct and open up the energy for greater ease, fluidity and movement to happen at the personal, collective, planetary, galactic and Universal levels.  

The Feminine aspect of consciousness is connected to receptivity.  It is an inward energy described as a vessel, container, womb-like, maternal, creative, fluid.  The elements associated with it are Earth and Water.  There are many archetypal energies associated with the feminine and every ancient culture had a reference to the Great Mother.

Let us begin with the Goddess energy of Venus described by the Romans as the bestower of grace and love.  Her embodied presence is called Aphrodite by the Romans, Ishtar by the Babylonians, Innana by the Sumerians.  Each has a different lens in which to view the attributes of Venus.  She evolves over time into the goddess of growth and the beauty of nature. She is also the goddess of desire; the personification of both physical and spiritual love.

The planet Venus is given the earthly attributes of love, art, music, harmony, creativity, fertility, money, beauty, receiving, being impregnated, a receptacle of Creation.

The story of the birth of Venus is that she arose from the sea naked - the Source of all which at that time was called Primordial Creation.  She is a symbol of both the collective unconscious and eternity.  She is also the love of beauty and the pleasure of the 5 physical senses.  She is the embodiment of all of Creation expressed through desires and emotions.  And all of this is seen through the lens of contextual reality; the filter of human oriented perspective.  

What is the Feminine energy as consciousness is more than this?  

Then perhaps the languaging of the return of the Divine Feminine is inaccurate.  If it is truly being born a new then we are not returning tio anything known previously.  This is a very important aspect of what is called evolving or being willing to jump to the next spiral of creation.  It is also a clarion call to stop separating energy - divine from not divine, sacred from non-sacred.  

What if all life is sacred?  
Would the planet and all of its life forms function from greater freedom from this space as opposed to the small, tiny boxes and labels being created by outside of ourselves?  

Outer other includes some external authority figure which is exactly what Venus in Capricorn astrologically will look at.  She is currently in retrograde motion - a perfect time to review, revamp and revise from the inside out.

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